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You as Animal Jam Community members may also be well aware of recent events happening in Jamaa, so if you see something happening in the community that we have NOT already covered,we want to hear it!

That's right, the email on the area to my right can be contacted and I will read them as soon as they come in. If someone submitted a topic I think is blog-worthy, I will make a blog about it and of course, give credit to the jammer that gave it to me.

Please make sure you've checked ALL posts before suggesting a blog be written about a certain topic. I keep track of every blog I write so I will know if it's been written before.

Thank's for your help and cooperation! 

See you around, 


Play Wild!

Did Something Blog-Worthy


We want to hear about it!
Please write an email to the address listed below providing ALL details to your chosen topic!

Got News?

We’re dying to hear it!

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